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Monday, September 10, 2012

Solar Power Technology Gains Momentum

Not long ago, it was announced that search engine giant Google had committed major investments in solar technology. Since then, more and more companies have become aware of this biofriendly renewable energy source and are embarking on solar projects. General Motors, for example, has decided to build the world`s largest rooftop solar power source at their Zaragoza, Spain, automotive assembly plant. The 2 million square feet roof surface will comprise...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Student in the UK

The UK is a beautiful country full of many charms, kind and polite people and a rich heritage and culture. But life in the UK can throw-up many surprises for the overseas student! So if you are considering studying in the UK this list is just for you. First some definitions: 'UK' means United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is made-up of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. Britain is the main island composed of England, Scotland and Wales. 1. British people like to form orderly queues. Believe...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ways to Succeed in school

 The best way to succeed in school is to work hard, yet without proper learning strategies, you will most likely fail to attain the grades you deserve. Have you ever thought about how to learn to gain better grades at school? A new e-book is available at link that deals with the subject of holistic learning. Holistic learning is a process of learning ideas, theories and other course material in such a manner that requires less rote memorization and more implementation of mind application. The natural way of learning things are to divide a...